Middle School
The Drama program provides opportunities for the creative impulse to thrive and blossom. Students are introduced to the many different aspects of theatrical production including direction, costume and lighting design, dramaturgy, play-righting as well as performance. Activities are geared towards providing hands-on experiences for students while creating a fully realized production by the completion of the semester. The class will assume the role of the play-right, director, designer, actor, etc. Our 7th and 8th grade students will create their own plays while the 6th grade will produce an already written script. The curriculum works to build confidence and presence while engaging the creative possibilities in each child.
Lower School
The Drama program provides opportunities for the creative impulse to thrive and blossom. Students are introduced to the many different aspects of theatrical production including direction, costume and lighting design, dramaturgy, play-righting as well as performance. Activities are geared towards providing hands on experiences for students while creating a fully realized production by the completion of the semester. The class will assume the role of the play-right, director, designer, actor, etc. The curriculum works to build confidence and presence while engaging the creative possibilities in each child.