Catholic, Independent Elementary Schools Serving Chicago's Children Since 1876


An Independent, Catholic School

Sacred Heart is unique among Chicago schools in that we are both independent and Catholic.

An Independent School

As an independent school, Sacred Heart is committed to academic excellence within an environment where each child is known and valued as an individual. We are one of 20 schools in Chicago and about 200 in the Midwest who are accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS), assuring we meet rigorous accreditation standards and adhere to Principles of Good Practice articulated by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). We require and support ongoing professional development for our faculty and have a well-defined process for reviewing and renewing our curriculum. We believe in the benefit of small classes and low student-to-teacher ratios.

Learn more about Sacred Heart's accreditations and affiliations.

A Catholic School

As a Catholic school, we encourage our students’ growth in faith, spirituality and ethical decision-making. In our service learning program, students are challenged to live lives that include a genuine commitment to meeting the needs of others. Children participate in religious education, chapel and liturgical services. Sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion, First Reconciliation and Confirmation is provided for Catholic families. While we are not affiliated with a parish and are completely self-governing, we enjoy a cordial and mutually beneficial relationship with the Chicago Archdiocese.

Even as we are strongly rooted in the Catholic tradition, we warmly welcome children of all faiths. In fact, about 35% of our students come from families who are not Catholic and who represent a variety of religious backgrounds, both Christian and non-Christian. We work to build a true sense of community and to foster inter-religious acceptance and dialogue by educating our students to an understanding of and deep respect for the many religions of the world.


The global network of Sacred Heart Schools encompasses more than 150 schools in 30 countries, including 24 schools in the U.S. and Canada. Learn More