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Thank you for your generosity!

Annual Fund gifts are unrestricted and will be used immediately for current programs such as tuition assistance, faculty compensation and professional development opportunities, curriculum enhancements, arts, athletics, religious education and community service programs.

We also welcome payments and gifts that are restricted to other funding opportunities for Sacred Heart Schools. Please indicate as such when completing this form.


Barat Circle: $15,000+

Duchesne Circle: $10,000-$14,999

Stuart Circle: $7,500-$9,999

Admirabilis: $5,000-$7,499

Très Bien: $3,500-$4,999

Sacré Coeur: $1,000-$3,499

Red & White: $500-$999

100% Participation: $1-$499

Leadership Giving

Leadership gifts are fundamental to the success of Sacred Heart Schools.

Leadership donors include current families with Annual Fund commitments beginning at $3,500, which is approximately the difference between the cost of tuition and the actual cost of educating each student at Sacred Heart. Leadership donors also include alumnae, alumni, parents of alumni and friends who make Annual Fund gifts of $1,000 or more.